[some have asks, “Can I (or my mate) still join?” Quick answer: YEP!!! Just sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes9wLIQRfuuTSzxILV1Sx-mllwCNAsFVIFfVkNyRQPYTVepQ/viewform?fbzx=-7045086623434832172]
We are so excited to see who has signed up for our exploration of Dr Wil Gafney’s [re]introduction to the Hebrew Bible that is her “Womanist Midrash” facilitated by Carol Ng’ang’a and Jarrod McKenna. 🥰🥰🥰
Linked here is Drew and Jarrod’s last chat with Dr Wil Gafney if anyone wants a refresher.
If you have signed up tomorrow in our introductory session a week by week “map” of reading through the book (thanks so much to Karen Smith for putting this together), we will watch together to a video of Dr Gafney sketching some her project, and we will meet the cohort for this season.
Link to the zoom to be posted an hour before our session.
We’re so glad your excited, we are too. We are praying that this will deepen our love for the Hebrew Bible, welcome healing in our lives and through our lives, and deepen a desire to live the liberating love of the “God-Whose-Name-Is-Too-Holy-to-Be-Pronounced”.
6AM Accra/London
7AM Berlin
8AM Cape Town/Bethlehem
9AM Nairobi/Addis Ababa
2PM Perth/Hong Kong
5PM Sydney/Port Moresby
7PM Wellington/Nuku’alofa
11PM L.A./Vancouver (Saturday)