A Survivors’ Guide on How to Navigate Sexual Abuse in the Headlines
Hey, other survivors, I see you. You are not alone.
People supporting survivors, I see you too. Thanks for standing with us when we can feel so alone.
On days when your deepest trauma is international news, what do you do?
Easter Made Me Do It! On Scapegoats, Asylum Seekers and Being Arrested
Easter reveals the violent shape of our society’s scapegoat mechanisms that crucify the vulnerable. That is why we willingly accepted that we would be arrested, not willing to leave without an answer to why 1,138 children were being indefinitely detained.
Religion and politics is like ice-cream and manure: they don’t mix
What’s strangely forgotten around election time is the important detail that faith leaders and politicians worked well together to organise the killing of Jesus.
What would MLK do? Christians and climate change
As Martin Luther King Jr day rolls around again in the United States, we are often presented with a figure that seems more like a cheerleader for the status quo rather than a prophetic challenge to it. Somehow, it seems we have made this dangerous figure very safe.